Thursday, June 26, 2008

a few of our favorite things

Forgot to post last night due to getting a little flustered. Finished my first sewing project, a shirt for me. Many times I heard the question, "Who's that for Mom?".
Well, that would not be correct. When I finished and tried it on, it did not fit me. Some friend will be blessed with a shirt just like mine. A friend who is smaller that is.
Today the sewing continued, and after a few modifications, the end result was well......fitting.
Desperately needing new bathing suits, $20.00? (Haven't gone to get them yet.)
Playing in the river for hours, priceless.
The beauty that surrounds us, endless.

Bandana shorts for Caleb, sewn by him.
Today included a trip, to another of our favorite places here, the library. We signed up for summer reading and the rewards have already started coming. Everyone is suddenly a bookworm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the family is finally taking to Obama's "Dreams from My Father."